Posts Tagged ‘Carol Thatcher’

I wrote about this subject many moons ago – 1994 perhaps, I wonder if anything has really changed?  Then I was concentrating on the world of IT and the lack of black or asian front line sales people that seemed to be missing from most hardware or software vendors or their distribution channels. The Carol Thatcher episode made me think again was that hidden racism still around behind closed doors, particularly in the hiring process of the digital internet world that I have spent the last decade in. That shiny new world of digital media and the latest Web 2.0 application or platform that looks on the surface to be very open and accepting of all sorts of players. I suppose at the bleeding edge, an analysis of the twitter/facebook populations in London/UK/Ireland would be a start, as they tend to be representative of the core of the network that drives the game we are in. I just wonder what that would show in terms of spread and access, particularly in customer facing roles or senior management positions?  

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